Here I am with my new way of telling you all what is going on in my head and how I want to write it down (:

The first thing you all notice, it is in English indeed, for my first time I am trying to do it, and I kind of like it, not always easy (: and I noticed it myself that telling stories wen I am writhing it all down in English, that it is difficult for me to hold on to a story or making it a little bit fluid in the first way of writhing it down. Luckily my office word is helping me a bit (:
I hope for you al you can find a way in navigating here, it’s a little bit different than my old website and you can find it back by pressing on the links down below, please notice that I messed up my site and database so not everything is not working as it did before ): you can always find these links in About Féj.
My site
On the thirty-one of January I will post all the new things that went through my head when I am posting this, so for doing all the mad stuff and making mistakes of not knowing how I made a mess with my website and database. I am glad that I have all my articles online what I wrote in these two years, and glad that I made the 130,000 words, I feel a little bit proud of myself already hihi.
Feel free to leave a comment (wen u want to do it in Dutch or German it’s no problem) and I am going to enjoy the moment of packing my stuff. Looking forward in everything that is in my head to write down and I hope the words will popping up while I find time to explain my goal and the second two years that are lying ahead of me. Still in my feelings of my body to explore the way of live that changed for me, and for the people near to me.
For me now writhing these things down in a place called kosberg, and I am staying here till my birthday. All this is giving mee a good feeling, and the distraction of being here is giving me energy for all the days what are happening now. Living for twelve days here at this place and the way of taking care of some lovely animals like the red cat, a bird what is very quit… the chickens who are giving eggs all the time I can not eat them on my own, and the three pony’s that I give every morning and evening new hay but are messing it up all the time… in that behave I am glad that I am here for the way I am making my own home ready to rent it out to a colleague of me, so work to do and even more of cleaning up the stuff I have, and filling up my room where I have to store all that stuff what put in boxes. Busy like a happy one who cant stop making a change in my habits, looking forward to it. The way what happened in my change of body, now I am going to follow my soul In more growing and exploring in all of this. And hoping to find more of myself I all of this.
For now I am making this post ready and trying to give me a little bit of rest for the days that are going bye fast enough, I will let you read more on the last day of January.