Like all the things I try to do here some are just feeling better here than back there. So even in all my tempting things, I cannot say a haircut is one of them. Maybe tomorrow I can let u see a picture but I think my haircut will take more time. But the feeling in me to just do it is feeling great and even because I am living here, it is giving me a feeling that I feels more comfortable to do. Ok my thoughts about an undercut or color in my hair is living a longer time than ever, even before I let my hair grow it was in my head that I wanted it. I love my hair so I will not cut it down short, I just love my curls in it and how long my hair grow in the last 43 months. My hair is 44cm now and I did start short and I went 4 times to the friseur, so to look forward in my luck that I have with my body , I am really proud of my long hair.
so my feelings today calmed down, yesterday my head went spinning down in a lot of excitement. Now this day did start relaxed and I did hang out quite long in my room. After twelve I did start to had my breakfast and at one I did take my bike to travel around and see how my environment is looking. I really live In al lovely place and Kreuzberg is really great, so in no time I was at alexander Platz and in a way, I like to travel around between the cars. Yes I know me on a bike, between all the cars, friends of me know it so maybe they know exactly what I mean. I need to be careful, yes I know it, like I always say. So my day went by on the bike, and I did had the time to get my new phone number. Yes finally I am getting a little bit started, now I need to wait for my German bank account to get everything in a German way. Yes I am really trying to get into a German life, even my phone is totally in German. Not always easy to get everything done, and waiting is one of them, and reading everything were u need to take care off. Even in my reading I learn every day new words, not that I cant read German but a am not that good with all this German, luckily I like it (:
To come to a point where I will be ending with is what I did Monday, I first take a visit at a shop called Schwarzer Reiter. I like the shop, but for the stuff they are selling is not what I am looking for, and the price is for some products quite expensive, but it is a nice shop. Looking to what I head in mind to buy I ended up in Blackstyle. I did searched it up because I know I should find it here what I am looking for, and after I bought my ticket for Torture Garden Berlin I really needed an outfit. So the entrance is a little bit weird (not as weird as the movie Théâtre sputnik I visited later this day) u need to walk into the back/side of the building and walked in a door what looks like it is not meant for you. Inside it was great especially for men, and a world all about latex and rubber, yes I am looking for a kinky way and expressing a feeling in a fetish world. It is a new world and it is tempting me to look more to it, and here I am standing in a store I never bin before. Its now the first time I wear latex but it will be the first dress I am buying. So after looking were the lady’s space is, I found a dress in black latex, and a red latex harness, a little bit different way of looking. But the feeling of that latex around your body if so fantastic, yes I love rope to but this is so much more of an intensive feeling. So after I bought my most expensive dress ever, I did chat a little bit and talked about Torture Garden Berlin. After being back home now, I think I need to come back here for another time, maybe I like something for around my neck.
Looking in this world is so new for me, even when I am at KitKat it is nothing like Torture Garden, it maybe gives a way of feeling. So looking forward how my weekend will be, and how my day is starting at the barbershop. My first tempting thing here on my website is real, now I am looking forward to tell how I will feel in this kind of world.