Here I am now, sitting in my train on my way to Berlin.

Yea what a great feeling and what a start of the day and evening this day, sitting here with a little bit more relaxation in my body. No I am not afraid more the way of excitement and joy to go, going on that feeling in me with my mind to explode in the city Berlin. Yea what a great feeling, I cant stop saying it, it is just a way if having this feeling how, I can have an adventure, a new adventure (: yea just to look back on last years adventure, this one is giving me a new feeling in me, maybe a little bit more in exploring my world, and getting a feeling how I can live with a new environment around me.
I still like to look back to my last week here in Limburg, u know the south of the Netherlands and living I a way how I enjoy to be part of Germany and Belgium, living so close to these two borders and working in Belgium living in the Netherlands and partying in Germany, so now I start to say I love this place. But my feeling and the people around me give me the strength to leave, leaving with a very good feeling that you al give me this last week. Yes I am talking to all of you that visit me on my last day of work, even coming from Amsterdam just for me to give me that lovely hug and power. To all the friends who give me a hug on the waving away party, just yet a few ours ago, to my boss and his wife with a smashing dinner were my body did felt a little bit to drunk, so I had my sleepover on the same bed I slept in last Sunday, and all the other nights when I was too lazy or drunk after work.
And so my Thursday felt a little bit like a hangover, yea I know I am not always saying it but this time I felt the wine and whisky a little bit more than in my other nights. But my planning to clean up the house for Friday and setting everything up to be ready for my new start. And I made it, so after two a clock I finished my last cleaning and on four o clock I went to Thermae 2000 in Valkenburg to swim off that little hangover what was left (: after a little bit I felt ok, but my nerves came back in that excitement, so my last two ours of lying in a whirlpool with the cold wind and rainy weather around me having a view of a dark town with some hills in my sight, I came to rest with the feeling of today, in a feeling of yes I am ready, I cant wait and now I feel lucky, just happy with everything I did and do to come to this start of a new way, a new way of living in a big city and explore my way of finding my own pathway (;
So my start of my day went well, I did stand up after nine and jumped into the air of feeling yes today yes, yeaaaaaaa. Yes (:, i cleaned my room did bring my bed to my deposit room three meters down the hallway 😛 jus lucky me (: so after I prepared my bags and suitcase I did start to feel it is this moment, I turn my key for the last time here in 2020. Beginning, and driving away to get my car to Sippenaeken and give it to C, she is having it for the time I am living in Berlin. We went to have a lunch in café Wijck, and we went to see some plants in Wonderwoud, after more hugs and kisses I started to get my blog ready for my last post, and a few minutes after five C and K cam to wave me away. Yea what I nice waving away party it was, I really liked it and you did see the photo we take on my last post (:
And now I am sitting in my train, I feel good, calm and having enjoyment in me to. Yes it is a lovely feeling this, and over a few ours I will get to my new room in Kreuzberg, placed in the east of berlin.
Can’t wait (: