It is not always easy to say that my English is that good to write
constantly in this language, so for me traveling to another country and trying
to live more with my inner self. I want to try and push me a little bit more to
write my blog in English. So for me writhing this blog in English will be my
first time and even if it is too hard to think in the way to write it all down
it will be a challenge (:
If I can get it in a right way and maybe on another way, than I did with my
Dutch blog, in how I can tell my stories I will be happy for myself and glad
that I can learn it just by doing it.
So in that kind of way I start to tell you all that this blog is about me
living for the first time in a new country and a big city, will it be a little
bit out of my comfort zone? Not for a way of hating it but the challenge I want
to put myself in to explore my inner self, in a new way with new things to
explore. Coming from the Netherlands and living my whole life here, for
thirty-four years I was always around the same twenty mile region called
south-Limburg, it is fine that it came to a end to live here, now my body feels
comfortable in my own soul and the way i want to see who I really can become
when I try to lose old habits and starting to live here in Berlin for a couple
of years.
Last year I travelled a couple of times to this city to see a friend of me,
and in the way I explored my feelings again and again when I came here, I fall
in love with the city Berlin. So after my last three visits I made some friends
who lived in a wg here. I first booked my room with Airbnb, the second and
third time it was just by asking if there was a room free.
Just by coincidence at my place where I worked(Le Barbeau) it happened to be
that my guests had some contacts here in Berlin, and on that behave I
found a room and work here in Berlin, by that feeling the question in myself
was saying, how tempting the things are feeling to attempt my inner feeling
that is saying, just say yes to it, and see what can and it will happen in
front of my nose (:
Exploring myself in another language than my home country the Netherlands I
love it to try my German way of talking and I want to do it more often while I
am living here.
I am féj and my second name is Hyacinthe, I started to blog my life three
years ago, but I really start to write it all down on February 2018, exactly
two years from now (: for me blogging my life is helping myself to see who I
am, and kind of a way to be my own psychologic for my real life that I want to
push to see who I am, so writhing things that are happening in my life or
things that I want to do or enjoy. The real question for me is how I can
explore my inner self without the old habits that are around me.
If I really can see who I am or about me that I am, maybe for me I can fill
out this piece of explanation better when I am here a little bit longer than
the first week I am here now, so if everything that I wrote behind this peace
of text I did fill it out later.
For the one or the lovely people that did follow me the first three years,
here is the link to my old website and all the blog articles I wrote.
My site hyacinthe.nl