Sitting here at a place what becomes one of them, one of the feelings to feel lucky. The way of working but still have the feeling that while I am not working can sit at the balcony with my laptop writhing this. Not the feeling that I need to leave, just the feeling that I think or know that I love this place. so last month I worked here for about thirty hours and a feel so at my place here. Loving the feeling what I had in my old place there in Belgium at Le Barbeau, and I step in a same kind of place to feel lovely with my other colleagues and my bosses. Even the feeling that I have this job because both of them saw me working in Le Barbeau and I said when I am living in Berlin that I can come to work for them in the bar, were I am writhing now.
Hello me, hello Rosengarten am Volkspark am Weinbergsweg just up the little hill from Rosenthalerplatz. I work here behind the bar making coffee, apparel spritz, all kinds of beer and the pleasure to smile with everyone and feel free. I feel free and I love how my last month is coming alive in making friends enjoying Berliner culture and see how things in myself go in doing even for me crazy things. So, my last week went bye crazy fast with some working some dating and some demonstration on Alexanderplatz with about 15k people to say our word to racism and the way how black people are one of them who needs more attention from us all.
To tell a way of a start of my Monday is more like sleeping and walking, I had an amazing weekend with both days working and the first weekend of not going home to go to work the next day, maybe the ways I did last year so it felt really good to be in this environment and so I did rest out my Monday to be fit again for my first longer workday on Tuesday, first time opening alone and closing the bar. It felt good to be back working for a whole day and the beer after work did taste very good togheter with M. so sitting outside with him two girls came asking why the bar was closed and we ended up with some chat together. After M left to go home, I joined the two ladies to a table down at Rosenthalerplatz and we joined the company together for a while. Around one a clock they left I I didn’t want to go home… (not the first time) so after ten minutes alone on the table three men couldn’t resist to sit near me and ask me some things were, I did had no problem to give them the answers for. So even if the question came if I wanted to go to their home I said yes, so I ended up with two of them on one room and after allot of chatting and drinking I did the thing o love and after some hours I left the building at eight in the morning walking with my bike back home with an great feeling and a feeling how things are going crazy with the right things what I want to experience. So, feeling good with some twist feelings of reality in good or wrong. I definitely feel good for myself so I am doing it the next time again. So, after sleeping this night of in my Wednesday I had a date planned for six o’clock in the evening, but A asked for me if we could push it to the next day. So, I Feld better if having some more sleep and preparing to see each other the next day. Not that I wasted my Tuesday in doing nothing bot more a lazy day with some walking and biking and after a movie I felt asleep like a rose till my next day.
So again, a date planned and while preparing me to meet each other in the park while it began to rain. So we ended up quite quick in her room and after a nice chat she said that a friend is coming after eight, in just looking we ended up in her bed and before the her friend arrived we had a nice exploration of hour bodies and we ended it five minutes before her friend arrived. Always a way to see how this date exploded in doing things and ending with someone else in the room to chat more and have a really great evening with the three of us. A night can pass so fast and after M felt in sleep in the bed of A, we ended up together on the floor near the bed to have some sex and while the sun arrived outside, we both took a place in the same bed to sleep. Yea sleeping, not that good but just a good feeling to rest your body and be together as friends felt really good. M left in the morning for her presentation and A started working at twelve with her work, so I left to feel that god feeling walking back with my bike to my place. it just gives me a really good feeling walking back after a night with others and see how a city going further and how you are feeling great. Or for me it is just often a feeling how alive I can be and feel some kind of freedom in how things are going.
While resting he day and even went for some long walk listening to some podcast, I ended up four hours later back in my room for some easy dinner and a nice talk with the girl I met last night. I mean M who joined our date last Thursday and even now we are chatting and calling each other. To feel these friends around I was invited to join the group to go to the Demonstration for Black live matter. And after joining each other on Alexanderplatz in the middle of Berlin, were that big tower is standing. We did feel the really good atmosphere of all the people together and that made a nice band for all of us. So, after the demo we went to Treptower park were more people are joining and were we talked allot about the demo and other feelings that are going on with all the topics about racism. After the cold came in, we moved up to my place and after we tried my gymnastic rings and more chatting, we all had a nice evening and night. So, I ended up alone and feeling good in how I made some friends, falling asleep with having a nice day together.
And here I am now, at my working place listening to opera music and some colder weather, M is coming bye for a chat and it gives me a really good feeling in how we met and how e talk with the things that are going on in our lives. Every thing feels open and I feel so free in how this week is ending with a nice peace feeling in myself and allot of rest, feeling calm and open for an exploring feeling here in Berlin. Still things need to be figured out and I need to find more work to coop with my rent and living. This will fellow-up with exploring and seeing that we can do more and more together. So, when I am writhing my next peace is a mystery (;